Tag: jesus’ birth

Frolic and Play the Austin Way!

This Norman Rockwell painting shows a worn-out Santa on December 26th — and, like Santa, if all that’s left of Christmas for us — frazzled, exhausted, a bulging credit card balance, and an over-full stomach, then we missed the true meaning of Christmas. I’ll admit that after a full-of-fun-and-lots-of-activities week in Frisco, that just two…

By Donna Wuerch December 26, 2016 Off

The World Needs a STABLE Influence

Day 353 of Photo Inspirations — The World Needs a STABLE Influence The phrase, “under the influence”,  is typically used in defining someone’s mental or physical faculties that are impaired because they are intoxicated or on drugs. But, I heard that phrase used yesterday to describe those of us who are “high” on the Christmas…

By Donna Wuerch December 18, 2015 Off