Tag: jesus loves the little children

Let’s Be No Respecters!

At the family center where I volunteer, a fine-looking young man (obviously homeless) told me he was going for a job interview and asked for help to get some clothes for the interview. While I went to get our manager, the young man went shopping — brought back a suit, shirt, tie and shoes. He…

By Donna Wuerch January 25, 2024 Off

Are You a NO Respecter?

As I sat down for my morning devotions yesterday, I read these words of St. Peter from Acts 10:34 “I perceive that God is NO RESPECTER of persons”. RESPECTER: a person whose attitude and behavior is influenced by consideration of another’s rank, power, ethnicity, religion, culture, social class, wealth, etc. A “No RESPECTER” is someone…

By Donna Wuerch January 25, 2018 Off

Next Stop: Rome

Good Tuesday Morning, dear friends and family! We’ve just landed in Frankfurt, Germany for our transfer to Rome. We should be in Rome by noon (we’re 7 hours ahead of you while we’re in Rome. God does orchestrate our steps because the first couple I met in Houston on this tour, is a lovely Philippino…

By Donna Wuerch June 6, 2017 Off