We Will Change the World
What a Motley Crew the disciples were. There’s Peter — one minute he was walking on water by faith, and the next, he was sinking in doubts. He was impulsive, emotional, and, then His worst failure was denying Jesus. And, then there’s Matthew, a dishonest tax collector. And, you gotta’ love Thomas who, to this…
Train Up a Child in the Ways He Should Go
My husband and I grew up as “church” kids. Our parents ensured that we were in church every time the doors opened – Sunday School, Sunday morning and night services, Wednesday night service, Thursday night youth services, and when an evangelist came into town, church was every night of the week. Back in those early…
How BIG is Easter?
Tomorrow is Easter! And, of course, the reason Easter is the most important day on the Christian calendar is because of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, from the dead. It is the most important event in the history of this world and the entire universe. True HOPE was established by…
Holy Saturday = Miracle in the Making
Holy Saturday! Today it seemed all hope was gone. Jesus was dead. He was laid to rest. His body was anointed and wrapped in clean linens, then was laid in a tomb. The stone was rolled over the entrance and now it surely seemed to be the end. Up to this point, death was final.…
In the Box Moment
I’m having an “in-the-box” moment. It’s Saturday after the death and burial of Christ. The devil was probably quite proud of himself. He thought he won. God’s son was dead. Dumb devil. But Jesus, like a “Jack”-in-the-box was just quietly waiting for the crank to be turned. Soon, very soon, the lid will open, and…
Good Friday? or, Black Friday?
Shouldn’t “Good Friday” be called “Black Friday”? After all, on this day, the most scandalous betrayal of justice in human history took place. He wasn’t guilty of any crime or sin. After the illegal trials, this loving, compassionate, giving, caring, innocent Man was stripped and tied to a post. He was whipped and beatened —…
Your Greatest ASK; His Greatest YES
Wednesday of Holy Week: The disciples must have been awestruck when Jesus said, “One of YOU will betray me.” Except for Judas, the eleven must have each thought, “Not me! I would never betray, deny or leave you.” But as we all know, their loyalty to Jesus was short-lived. And that scene is one that…
Mary’s Alabaster Box = Audacious Love
Monday of Holy Week: “Mary took a liter of costly perfumed oil made from genuine aromatic nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair; the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.” (John 12:3) So beautiful was this story, and also, how revealing this story was as we…
Leaving Behind Faith Footprints
On Thursday, a dear uncle graduated to heaven and, of course, thoughts go to the precious memories we made together, as well as the legacy and the footprints he left for us to follow. He was a beautiful soul, but most impactful, was his last year and a half where he lovingly, tenderly and devotedly…
We Will, We Will Rock You
Have you ever felt like your circumstances were looming over you like a huge GIANT who was fierce, beyond your capability, bigger than life, and he was throwing every negative word of doubt and unbelief, imaginable, your way — taunting, harassing, smack talking — and, your faith was challenged like crazy? If that sounds like…