Tag: Jesus

Is Jesus an Invited Guest at Your Table?

This day after Thanksgiving comes with relaxation for those that poured their hearts and souls into their grand Thanksgiving feast day – preparing for days, baking, cooking, cleaning up – with the best part that makes it all worth it, being so thankful to serve and embrace family time together. We had a special invited…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 23, 2018 Off

Are You a Good, Good Father?

Are You a Good, Good Father? Happy Father’s Day to all dads today, whether you are a natural father, adoptive father or a father role model and mentor. You deserve a tribute if you have been and are a good, good father! Father’s Day brings me precious memories and so much gratitude for my own…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 17, 2018 Off

Passion Week — Holy Monday

At this time in March, last year, I was inquiring about a Holy Lands trip. The “inquiring” became a PASSIONATE “YES, I’m going!” and soon I made my full payment for the trip. That full payment changed my life forever. I was THERE where my Lord walked, taught, healed and most importantly became my Savior.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 26, 2018 Off

Holy Week — a Time for Remembering

Just look at those amazing signs of Spring that celebrate this marvelous Holy Week aka Passion Week, the week just before Easter. Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the sacred day that commemorates the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, where He rode into town on a donkey as crowds of people joyfully lauded him and spread…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 21, 2016 Off

Merry Christmas Eve!

Day 359 of Photo Inspirations — Merry Christmas Eve!! We’re getting closer to “Silent Night — Holy Night”, but until then…this day is probably filled with lots of activity for us all — last minute shopping, wrapping the final packages, and getting some of our Christmas meal ready to go for tomorrow.  As for us,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 24, 2015 Off

“V” is for VICTORY

Knowing my Honey would have a major surgery the next day, I called on my “walking/praying” buddies, Karen and Sheila. It was time to declare VICTORY as we made our seven laps around the hospital (like Joshua and his troops did, marching around the walls of Jericho). It was a hot day in Tulsa —…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 27, 2014 Off