Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
It’s a big deal to have a day named after someone. With a quick google “What does it take to have a Federal Holiday named after you?”, I found that it wasn’t such an easy task. Apparently, the notion of creating a Martin Luther King Day met with much controversy. Two of the main arguments…
Happy Martin Luther King Day!
I can’t help but think about the price this man paid to have a day named after him. With a quick google: “What does it take to have a Federal Holiday named after you?”, I found that it wasn’t an easy task. Creating a Martin Luther King Day met with much controversy. Two of the…
God Would Never Unfriend Us
Back in the day, when we unfriended someone, we walked away, erased their name off our notebook or wrote a “Dear John” letter. Here we are – decades later and we can unfriend someone with the tap of a button. I don’t “unfriend” but rather “unfollow”, usually because of their language, their rants, their lack…
The City of Peace — Jerusalem!! Shalom!!
Early yesterday morning, we bade farewell to the awe-inspiring region of Galilee — where our Lord spent so much time in His ministry. Honestly, my mind can hardly take it in that our Lord and His followers walked everywhere or took a boat across the sea, or, in the case of Mary and Joseph, walked…