Tag: John 16:7

Even Greater Things

Do you remember the days when the Selectric typewriter was the latest and greatest invention? Oh, how we marveled at the smooth hum of electric keys, a far cry from the relentless click-clack of the manual typewriters. It felt like stepping into the future. And now, here we are — in an era of computers…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 29, 2024 Off

Greater Things Shall You Do

I walked in the door of the Wuerch’s home and there came my youngest grandson to me — not running — but riding (standing up) on his hoverboard — with perfect balance and agility. I remembered the one he had a couple of years ago — more of a starter version. This one has lights,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 27, 2017 Off

Greater Things Shall You Do

Day 361 of Photo Inspirations — Greater Things Shall You Do I have to laugh out loud as I watch my two youngest grandsons enjoy their high tech Christmas gifts. The one that has grabbed the most attention is their hover board.  For most of the day, they’re counting the minutes until it’s their turn…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 27, 2015 Off