Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You
Today marks the third Sunday of Advent, a perfect time to sing, “Go Tell It on the Mountain!” I’m not suggesting we lace up our hiking boots and scale a mountain! Let’s start right where we are — at ground zero — and let the JOY of Christ’s coming shine through us. The third candle…
Good Times Never End
My inspiring, exotic adventures in Cabo in nearing the end! Basking in the beauty of God’s creation never ceases to amaze me. I’m always grateful to be a part of these experiences where we eat well, enjoy special entertainment places exclusive to this area, laugh at the hilarious antics of my grandchildren, the many ocean…
The Older I Get – the more Thankful I Become
These photos say it all. The first one: 2010 – 6 days after my sweetheart was promoted to heaven. We flew to Cabo San Lucas for Thanksgiving. (Papa was supposed to have been with us – but God had such a better plan for him.) Is this a photo of a grieving widow and sad…
A Hearty Welcome to Christmas!
I think Advent and Christmas have been welcomed this year like a gigantic, band-playing, dancers-dancing, and gorgeous floats rolling along like a Christmas parade. I went to many of those Christmas parades in downtown Dallas when I was a kid. Oh, the anticipation for the last float – Santa! As 2020 is coming to a…
Offering Sacrifices of Praise is Sometimes All We’ve Got
A dear friend of mine, for over nine years has been relentless in the care of her sweet boy and his journey with Full Trisomy 13. I’ve never seen anything like what this sweet boy has endured and neither have I seen a mother more devoted to her boy in meeting his daily needs, but…
A Journal of Joy & Laughter
I was in Tulsa for the last couple of days to check in on Mom and my other besties. So my “sugar and spice and everything nice” awaited me. When I arrived at Mom’s, Karen (my sis-in-law) and her home health nurse were with her and Mom was cringing as the nurse tended to some…
Dancing to the Music in My Head
Day 224 of Photo Inspiration — Dancing to the Music in My Head Yesterday I met a darling, spunky young couple, Todd and Laura Provence. Todd shared how Laura dances all the time, and most recently, was dancing in the grocery store. He said “There’s not even music playing. What are you dancing to?” And…