Tag: laugh out loud

Living, Laughing, Loving

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Living….really living this life we’ve been given — with all its many adventures. Laughing out loud in the midst of the good living and the tough-living-times. AND, most of all LOVING God, others AND ourselves. Sure, there’s plenty to complain and worry about but, seriously, why waste time, energy…

By Donna Wuerch May 9, 2016 Off

Outlook and Perspective

The 2016 Unstoppable Leadership Summit in Texas continued today with incredible sessions that always radically impact us with a new outlook and perspective for this new year.  I loved it when we all received black rimmed glasses (outlook & perspective) with an arrow on the sides — trajectory. Set-backs are like an arrow that is…

By Donna Wuerch January 12, 2016 Off