Being a Self-Leader
You’d think after all these years I’ve had on Planet Earth; I would have more leadership sense. But, oops, I did it again – I still need more instructions. Once again, I need a refresher course on being a good leader FOR MYSELF! We may think we are a good leader for others, but, numero…
Integrity: The Missing Piece
With every election season, the question echoes louder: who can we trust? As I watch candidates vie for leadership, I can’t help but wonder—are they people of integrity? Wouldn’t it be refreshing to know that what they say is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Integrity seems to be in short…
Just Like Our Heavenly Father
Of course, we have great love for our children – we are just like our Heavenly Father! I was thrilled when I recently saw the Facebook post of a precious young woman that I, and many others, had been praying for. Her greatest desire and prayer was to be able to conceive a baby. It…
Those Insatiable Mosquitoes
I simply went out on my patio to water my one and only plant, my basil plant, which I might add has been flourishing. I have been thoroughly enjoying my caprese salads! But, that one short excursion, was lambasted by a covert watch-party. Argh! An army of mosquitoes were deployed and took advantage of this…
Being a Self Leader
Remember the Golden Rule? “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12) We ARE our greatest cheerleader or at least we should be. Self-leadership causes us to first strive for being a good leader to ourselves. It means introspection and awareness of how we think and how we react. It…
The Blessing of the Firstborn
We’ll soon meet up at church to offer up praise to God for His overwhelming goodness. We’ll be celebrating the entire day that will conclude with a great meal at a favorite restaurant. And, the “special plate” will show up which means each of us telling him why he is special to us. But first…
Embrace the Place
It is almost eight months since my move to Austin. I arrived to my place with no hot water in an icy, snow-covered city. But that was a blessing to have water at all. The pipes had frozen and busted in the building. The other residents were trailblazers for the rest of us who moved…
Leadership May Change But God Doesn’t
In my “memories” FB feed, I saw the congenial photo of the “smooth” transition of power from President Obama and First Lady Michelle to President Trump and First Lady Melania in 2016. It was too bad the circumstances of the current transition wasn’t as equally smooth and cordial. Things “changed” from the routine of previous…
Is Your Superhero a Leader Worth Following?
The first night back here in Austin, Bryson wanted me to take him to see the new “Spider-Man: Homecoming” Movie. He had already seen it once – once wasn’t enough (in this photo, you can see he’s loved Spider-Man for years). He wanted to see it again, so that was our Thursday “date night” fun.…
Being a Self Leader Before Becoming a Leader of Others
Yesterday morning, in our devotions, the subject of self leadership came up. Self leadership is a discipline that causes us to first strive for being a good leader to ourselves, even before considering being a leader to someone else. Self leadership is introspection and awareness of how and what we think and how we react.…