Tag: Lent

Let’s Go to the Desert

Yesterday began the 40 days of Lent. It isn’t just a season; it’s a journey — a deliberate walk into the desert, not to suffer, but to be refined. It’s a time to come clean, inside and out, setting aside distractions to hear God more clearly. On purpose for my mind, heart, soul AND body…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 6, 2025 0

Salt or NO Salt

Happy March! Let’s keep MARCHING ON!For years, I have embraced this time of the year for not only a time of Lent (from Ash Wednesday to the Saturday before Easter) and introspection of this “temple of the Holy Spirit” that God gave me (and you). 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says: “Do you not know that your…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 1, 2024 Off

The Week of Love

A morning online search led me to info I never knew. Apparently, Valentine’s Week in India officially began February 7th when couples start celebrating the month of love with romantic gifts, heartwarming surprises, and spending quality time with each other. “Bring on the love” is what I say! What not have a week of expressions…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 13, 2024 Off

Hosanna! Holy is His Name!

My insides cringed when he said it. Sucking in a short, sharp breath, I realized that I would never grow accustomed to hearing Jesus’ name used while swearing. My head bowed slightly as my heart prayed, “Jesus is Lord.” We know that God’s name is holy. The commandments given to Moses reveal that. If that…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 2, 2023 Off

Go, God! Astonish Me!

I was in the “blog-writing” mode when I remembered an old song, “I Believe in Miracles” written by Carl C. Buck in 1950. I started singing the chorus in my head.“I believe in miraclesI’ve seen a soul set freeMiraculous the change in oneRedeemed thru CalvaryI’ve seen the lily push its wayUp through the stubborn sodI…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 8, 2023 Off

 Desert — NOT Dessert

We’re nine (9) days into Lent, but whose counting? Me! I’m numbering the days to Easter in my journal. The end of this season isn’t even in sight yet. Do I sound whiny? “PLEASE, just one tiny taste of chocolate!!” I may sound whiny but I’m really not. I know I need this season —…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 2, 2023 Off

Turn on the Spotlights

I think I get my frugal and prudent spending habits from parents who were products of the Great Depression when every penny counted. My Mom would sing out “Shut off the lights! Turn up the air conditioner!” And, in the winter, “Turn down the heat and put on a sweater!” I see her in me.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 23, 2023 Off

 Lent Means Course Correction

As a Private Pilot, I have extra help with the notion of “I believe I can fly”. We had a single engine Cessna 182 – a sweet ride. We logged many hours flying across this great country. Though I haven’t flown in a while, I remember some crucially important flight requirements that ensured landing where,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 22, 2023 Off