Our Words Matter
Our words matter, but does the word, floccinaucinihilipilification, one of the longest words in the dictionary, really matter? I can’t say that I’ll ever use it in a talk, but it sure did bring me inspiration for today’s blog. It came up randomly in a pop-up advertisement and intrigued me enough to look up its…
Words that Matter Most
Tuesday night was the season opener for my grandson’s baseball team. There have been plenty of pre-season games, but now we’re in the ones that matter most. Shawntel and I were present and ready to encourage with our positivity! I had on my Regent’s Knights team shirt and ready to cheer with the rest of…
They Opened Their Mouths With Wisdom
Happy Mother’s Day to ALL my girl friends and sisters, and that includes all women who have been gifted with that “maternal instinct” of nurturing and caring for others. It’s true what they say about women — “we are life givers”. Mothering is the thing all women do, with the small and big kids under…