Then Came the Morning — He is Risen
HE IS RISEN!! ALLELUIA!! Happy Resurrection Morning!!! 2,000+ years ago — there was tremendous fear in the Jesus’ followers because of such diabolical evil that had been rendered against the Son of God. They lost their dearest friend. How could they go on? But, THEN CAME THE MORNING!!! The stone was rolled away AND Christ…
Good Friday? or, Black Friday?
Shouldn’t “Good Friday” be called “Black Friday”? After all, on this day, the most scandalous betrayal of justice in human history took place. He wasn’t guilty of any crime or sin. After the illegal trials, this loving, compassionate, giving, caring, innocent Man was stripped and tied to a post. He was whipped and beatened —…
Faith in God’s Faithfulness
I’m a really strong chick — not because life has been easy….I just got stronger with each challenge that came my way! As we get stronger, the struggles in life, that once were difficult — are now a piece of cake. And no matter what our struggles are, God will never let it be too…
STOP…..and Smell the Roses!!!
Yesterday, I stopped by a garden center to check out some trees for my yard. The aroma of the Spring flowers was overwheming when I walked in! Immediately, I thought “I need to get some flowers!” Those fragrant, fresh smells almost led me astray because the nursery rep told me, for Tulsa, it’s still too…
Gratitude = Love, Peace, Hope & Joy
In June, I’ll travel to Seattle to be a part of my 2nd oldest grandson’s high school graduation celebrations. I’m so excited. I love being out there with my family. It’s always a time of watching my grandchildren perform in their music and sports activities, going on hikes, having parties, playing games, and having so…