Tag: LifeChurch.tv

Branded With Divine Ownership

Day 218 of Photo Inspirations — Branded with Divine Ownership Witnessing water baptisms is one of my favorite “life” experiences, so of course, this would be my photo inspiration for today.  There is nothing more inspiring and beautiful than witnessing people being baptized in water and openly declaring their total trust and reliance on the…

By Donna Wuerch August 10, 2015 Off

May the FORCE in High Places Be With You

Day 190 of Photo Inspirations — May the FORCE in HIGH PLACES Be With You Okay — I admit it.  I’m addicted to attending church — Protestant, Catholic, Interdenominational….bring it on!  There is no greater high, in my opinion, than hanging out with God’s family.  Here’s why:  We have so many things in common:  we…

By Donna Wuerch July 13, 2015 Off

I Was Hungry and You Fed Me

My Life Group meets at my home every Thursday night. These women are amazing, faith-filled, fully devoted followers of Christ, and I’m inspired by them every week. It seems that God hand-picked our group — each one has unique talents and abilities, and has unique circumstances going on their life, but watching how God answers…

By Donna Wuerch September 5, 2014 Off