Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy
This time of year, my heart always turns to those spending their first Christmas without a loved one. While the world sings “Joy to the World” and the air rings with goodwill and glad tidings, I know not everyone feels like celebrating. For some, the holidays bring a longing to look past the tinsel and…
May the 4th Be With You
Happy 4th Sunday of Advent and Happy Christmas Eve! We can join many others who will attend church today to breathe in what all this decorating, baking, shopping, partying, and having family and friend get togethers has been all about. It is unusual for Christmas Eve to fall on a Sunday. We are making the…
My Red River Trip Turns Out to be a Reboot
It’s a blessing when blog content shows up when I least expect it. I’ve cherished this time with family as we fish, eat together, travel the countryside, and carry on conversations about our lives (after so many years apart). But, this day, I wanted to go solo. I wanted to take in the sights, sounds,…
The King is Coming — Order Up a 21-Gun Salute
It’s Palm Sunday – just one week before Easter – oh the joy of our Risen Lord! But, hold on! Without this week, there would be no Resurrection Sunday! On this day, the disciples and the crowds were fanatical praisers and worshippers – waving palm branches and shouting “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in…