I’m Still Under the Influence
Yesterday my grandson came over to help me get all my Christmas tubs back down so I can start reorganizing and filling them back up with all my Christmas treasures. But, this morning I’m still under the influence of Christmas and want it to last a little longer. Of course, my family tradition is to…
Here We Are to WORSHIP
Here I Am to Worship My word of the day is: WORSHIP — the feeling or expression of reverence, adoration, exaltation, honor for God (the dictionary says for a diety, but in my case – the only ONE who deserves WORSHIP is our ONE TRUE GOD). This morning my Christmas season is officially over as…
Epiphany – The Manifestation of the Lord
Epiphany – The Manifestation of the Lord My word of the day is EPIPHANY. Yesterday, January 6th (the day after the 12th day of Christmas), was actually Epiphany – which commemorates the revealing of Jesus as Christ to the Gentiles in the persons of the Magi and the baptism of Jesus. But today is when…
The Twelve Days of Christmas – MERRY CHRISTMAS!
TToday is December 30th – which means it’s the 6th day of Christmas. A few days ago, upon my return home from Austin, I said in my post that I was going to start taking down my Christmas décor the next day. The inspiration came when my Austin Family were heading out of town for…
Celebrating Epiphany — The Wise Men Showed Up to Worship
Epiphany, or the 12th day of Christmas, falls on January 6th (but celebrating on the closest Sunday — today, the 8th) and it marks the official end to the wonderful season of Christmas. That’s why so many of us wait until after this day to take down our Christmas decorations. Epiphany means manifestation of God…
The World Needs a STABLE Influence
Day 353 of Photo Inspirations — The World Needs a STABLE Influence The phrase, “under the influence”, is typically used in defining someone’s mental or physical faculties that are impaired because they are intoxicated or on drugs. But, I heard that phrase used yesterday to describe those of us who are “high” on the Christmas…
They Gave….Then Bowed Down and Worshipped Him
“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.” The Magi (Wise Men) worshipped — and brought very costly gifts to the newborn King. The gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Not such practical gifts, but most definitely…valuable gifts. A gold brick in today’s…
We Can’t Help It — We Must Give — We Must Worship
“On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.” The Magi (Wise Men) worshipped — and brought very costly gifts to the newborn King. The gifts were gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Not such practical gifts, but most definitely…valuable gifts. A gold brick in today’s…