Tag: master multiplier

From Animal Control to Crowd Control

Picture the nativity scene: sheep bleating softly, a donkey nuzzling hay, cattle lowing. No opulence for the Prince of Peace.  God chose for His Son, a humble and lowly stable — precisely where His plans unfolded. God’s ways might seem off-course, but His ways far exceed our ways.  From animal control in the stable to…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 12, 2024 Off

Little is Much When God is in it!

My course was altered yesterday when the flu bug took me out and I had to direct the movers from my “Director’s Chair”. It was my long-awaited moving day. Thank goodness for dear Denise Gerrich who supports and helps the Wallace’s and me so unconditionally. She co-partners in so many valuable ways. Remember the story…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 20, 2017 Off

Little is Much When God is in It

God is the Master Multiplier Day 106 of Photo Inspirations — Little is much when God is in it!Our course was altered — instead of to Nova Scotia, our voyage has detoured to Portugal because of the rough waters. Going further north, then east wasn’t going to work. So we’re going East-North Easterly heading toward…

By Donna Wuerch Noble May 15, 2015 Off