Tag: matthew 18:2-4

The Curiosity and Wonder of a Child

The Curiosity and Wonder of a Child This post was inspired by a friend who explained how she was off and running, after her baby started walking and was getting into EVERYTHING! Our lives come in stages. The first stage is infancy when that precious newborn can only cry, sleep, eat and provide reasons for…

By Donna Wuerch October 26, 2018 Off

The Wide Eyed Wonder of a Child

I’m still in Austin with my two youngest grandsons and, I’ll admit, I’m holding on to their child-like ways. They still want their Super Brennan and Super Bryson stories, and Bryson still wants to sleep with me and they still pull off some of those imaginary super-hero antics. I know these days are numbered. Before…

By Donna Wuerch September 22, 2017 Off