Tag: memories

The Mountain and the Ocean

Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell once sang, “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” but on Sunday, Carl and I had to admit — some mountains (and even hills) are, in fact, too high! I’ve made the climb to the lighthouse and chapel on El Encanto (to love) many times, but this time, wisdom (and my marathon-worn…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 18, 2025 Off

Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy

This time of year, my heart always turns to those spending their first Christmas without a loved one. While the world sings “Joy to the World” and the air rings with goodwill and glad tidings, I know not everyone feels like celebrating. For some, the holidays bring a longing to look past the tinsel and…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 19, 2024 Off

Just Take the First Step

Oh how sweet the memories of helping my children and grandchildren take their first steps.  It was an achievement for them, but even more so, it was an achievement for us.  Jesus understands children and He understands us.  He Who created water certainly knew His ability for walking on water.  Nowhere do we read about…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 17, 2024 Off

From Generation to Generation

Heritage: valued objects and qualities like traditions, that have been passed down from previous generations; legacy. Check out these photos! They represent many lifetimes of memories — aunts and uncles reminiscing “the good old days”, memories of cousins playing together, of grandmas’ and grandpas’ stories of faith that sparked faith in their children and grandchildren.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 24, 2024 Off

How the Tides Can Change

Home at last after a remarkable week cruising Eastern Canada and New England. Still, there truly is no place like home sweet home. The joy was doubled as my East Texas family journeyed to Austin to celebrate Mother’s Day with us. Big brother Ryan and sister Shawntel opened their welcoming, spacious home to everyone, while…

By Donna Wuerch Noble May 13, 2024 Off

Let’s Launch this Baby!

Yesterday, I spoke of a life of “cruising with Jesus”— a phrase that tickles my soul with joy. For years, the cruise ship has served not only as a vessel of choice but also as a vivid metaphor for my spiritual journey alongside the Lord, charting the waters of life. This afternoon, metaphor merges into…

By Donna Wuerch Noble May 4, 2024 Off

Just a Little Love Song

Valentine’s Day was yesterday and sweet love songs continue to ring in my ears. Love songs went to a new level when my babies came into my life. I didn’t realize I had the capacity to love so deeply as I did when my first child, my baby boy Ryan was born. I knew I…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 15, 2024 Off

Welcome, December!

Aw! The month of Advent and Christmas, and for my Jewish friends, the beautiful, upcoming days of Hanukkah — The Festival of Lights. You may be one not-so-invested in the holidays when it seems everyone else is getting their holly-jolly-selves on! They’re cheerful, happy, all caught up in their blessing moods while you are in…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 1, 2023 Off

Goodnight, Sun

Aw!  A most magnificent sunset in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  Staci and Larry, my daughter and husband, recommended eating at the Bistro Blue restaurant where the food is delicious AND “if you get there in time (6:30-ish) you’ll be amazed at the most breathtaking view of sunset.”  Their advice didn’t disappoint. A sight to behold!…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 18, 2023 Off