Tag: mommy’s here

I’m Snuggling into my Comforter

A comforter is a thick bed covering that is filled with a soft light material. A comforter is also someone who helps us feel less worried, upset, or frightened. I do a lot of traveling and that means sleeping in beds that don’t compare to MY bed at home. When I get home to my…

By Donna Wuerch March 19, 2023 Off

Shhh. It’s Okay. Mommy’s Here.

“As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you… “Isaiah 66:13 Isn’t it so heart-warming to witness a young child being comforted by his mother? More than any pain that needed to be taken away, he needed his Mama’s TLC. There’s a great lesson to be learned from the way of a mother…

By Donna Wuerch June 22, 2016 Off