Tag: music

Lord, Please Give Me Patience….NOW!

Our generation seems to have little patience for waiting. Road rage is seen when there’s someone moving way too slow in traffic. And there’s those times when we’re put on hold on a telephone call, or when we’re placed in yet another queue trying to get to the right customer representative. We talk about slow…

By Donna Wuerch July 27, 2014 Off

Cherish the Moments

A few years ago, I received my daily “check-in” call from Staci while she was picking up Payton and Alexia from school. In the background, I heard Alexia say, “Payton, that’s my side!” Payton responded, “It’s my turn to sit on that side!” Then Alexia, “Mommy, Payton pushed me!” Then Payton, “She pushed me first!” Before…

By Donna Wuerch May 14, 2014 Off