Tag: no distractions

The Art of Focus

My son is a very busy husband, father, and entrepreneur. Long ago, I learned how he strategically managed his life to be all-in with whatever he was doing or whoever he was with at any given time. He realized the importance of complete focus to any given situation by compartmentalizing. When in his business mindset,…

By Donna Wuerch September 14, 2021 Off

Renewed and Refreshed

Retreat — To Refresh and Renew Yesterday, I returned from a 4-day women’s retreat in Chouteau, OK. Being on the Leadership Team and preparing for this retreat meant intentional two-times-a-week meeting and much diligence, focus and preparation by our team to give these women an event that had the potential of tremendously impacting their lives.…

By Donna Wuerch November 7, 2016 Off

You are a Thoroughbred. Run Your Race.

Each of us have our own assignment to fulfill and we were created, individually and uniquely, to run our OWN race. We might think, “If I just had their good looks, or money, or their skills, or their talents — I could be successful.” Bottom line — God’s generous hand of blessing is on OUR…

By Donna Wuerch October 12, 2014 Off