Tag: opportunities

 I Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

You know those words: “I should have done that but”, “I would have been that but” or “I could have gone there but…..” Should — Would — Could are words I’ve determined to get out of my vocabulary this year because they represent the past and that past is behind me AND they represent hesitation…

By Donna Wuerch February 2, 2022 Off

I Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda You know those words: “I should have done that but”, “I would have been been that but” or “I could have gone there but…..” Should — Would — Could are words I’ve determined to get out of my vocabulary this year because they represent the past and that past is behind me.…

By Donna Wuerch January 18, 2019 Off

Change of Plans: Hail — No!!

When I posted on Monday (the day after the major hailstorm here in Frisco), about the opportunities that can come from a storm, I didn’t realize that it would apply to not only my grandkids and those friends who get extra work when storms come, but it would be applicable to me, too! Here’s what…

By Donna Wuerch March 30, 2017 Off

Your Word is a Lamp to my Feet

Oh how grateful I am when I sense “a word” to post, and then God sends His “atta girl” to me.  For the last two days I’ve posted about disappointments, His appointments, set ups, set backs, perspective, etc.  I just read today’s “Jesus Calling” and want to show you what I mean.  Perhaps, if you’re…

By Donna Wuerch November 3, 2015 Off

The World is Your Oyster

Day 169 of Photo Inspiration – The World is Your Oyster That saying implies that the world is laid out before us like a plate of oysters needing only to be pried open to be enjoyed, perhaps with a pearl as a prize.  It’s all the opportunities that await us when we take the limits…

By Donna Wuerch June 25, 2015 Off

It’s an Upside Down World!

Day 65 of Photo Inspirations — It’s an upside down world — well, at least from this vantage point it is. It’s all about perspective. And, this world can seem quite upside down — even when we’re right side up.   What happened to the good old days when we could leave our doors unlocked,…

By Donna Wuerch March 7, 2015 Off

Acknowledging Him = Straight Paths

“Before you arise from your bed in the morning, I have already arranged the events of your day. Each day provides many opportunities for you to learn My ways and grow closer to Me.” — God Ever look back on your day, and because of so many distractions or needless worry, you realize that you…

By Donna Wuerch April 25, 2014 Off