Tag: Pastor Craig Groeschel

Stay Out of the Shark’s House!

By now, you’ve probably seen this video-gone-viral of Veronica Poleate. She’s hilarious but still gives a very serious, truth-filled message. In this video, she describes her concern about yet another person being attacked by a shark. She is urging people to go to the beach, but to stay out of the ocean because the ocean…

By Donna Wuerch October 10, 2016 Off

Do You Suffer From Nomophobia?

Do you remember the challenge of having to find a pay phone to make a very necessary phone call, trying to find the quarter or change needed, and remembering the number you needed to call? And, waiting in line? Whew! Before cell phones became available in the late ’80s, pay phones were the way we…

By Donna Wuerch October 7, 2014 Off