Tag: peace

Surprise! It Snowed Last Night!

I’m feelin’ the love. God’s love, that is, because yesterday morning, here in Tulsa, there was a “sprinkling” of snow everywhere. The morning welcomed me with such tenderness and peace. I just had to quickly grab a couple of photos. Though I find that peace here everytime I visit her, Mom still has her sweet…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 7, 2017 Off

Do You See What I See?

Have you ever looked for something that was right in front of you all the time? I could be wearing my glasses, and be looking for my glasses. I could be looking for my keys and they could be right on the counter in front of me. We could be looking for the rain to…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 28, 2016 Off

Peace is my Governor

Yesterday, a sweet new friend I’ve met here in Austin, asked me for the website for my daily blog. Not only do I blog on my Google website, but I also post it here on Facebook: http://livinginthepeacezone.blogspot.com/ I started blogging years ago, back when it would have seemed I had every right in the world…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 11, 2016 Off

And That’s The Way It Goes!

My mother-in-law, who has always been known for her wit, called me a couple of nights ago and she was on a roll. Typically, it is just a “check-in” call to see how things are going, but this night she was recalling some stories of her childhood and how she and her brother got into…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 1, 2016 Off

What Medicine Do You Take?

If you’re like me, your medicine cabinet has just about everything you need in it for the common cold, headache, cuts, scrapes, bug bites, sunburn, tummy ache, etc.  I’ve got aspirins, ointments, sprays, oils, ice packs, heating pads to help conquer the ailments at any given time. Yesterday morning, while getting ready for my day,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 20, 2016 Off

What is PERFECT Peace?

A couple of weeks ago, I awoke with the words “perfect peace” going on in my mind. I’m always quoting Isaiah 26:3 “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”  I don’t think I’ve ever thought about PERFECT peace before.  What is PERFECT peace? I did…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 14, 2016 Off

Do You See What I See?

Day 362 of Photo Inspirations — Do You See What I See? Though most of the festivities are over, the joy and peace of Christmas still lingers. I’m still captivated by the flickering lights that are still glowing brightly. I just love the sweet and tender atmosphere of Christmas. But, most of all, what reassurance…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 28, 2015 Off

A True Romance is Going On

Day 269 of Photo Inspirations — A True Romance is Going On So I’ve known romance.  My husband was the truest romantic EVER.  He loved candlelight, love songs, little “I love you” notes, surprise date locations, slow dancing, surprise gifts, and though I knew I wasn’t the most beautiful girl in the world, he made…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 30, 2015 Off