Tag: peace

God, Please Breathe on Me

In my prayer time, I said these words “Thank You for your breath, Lord!” What? Where did that come from? To who do we ever say “Thank you for your breath”, because breath can be stinky? But not so with the breath of Jesus. In asking for His breath, I knew that I was asking…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 27, 2023 Off

PEACE — at all Cost

If I know peace it is because I know God. Know peace, know God. No peace, no God. And the peace I know is a peace that passes all understanding. I have written many blogs about peace. That peace is the basis for my MyPeaceZone.com website and this blog. Out of the seemingly most difficult…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 6, 2023 Off

Peace be with You

I love those words — the words of speaking peace over someone. And isn’t that what this world needs – living in a state of God’s peace that passes all understanding, regardless of circumstances or places we happen to be in at any given time? Isn’t it inspiring to listen to the faith journeys of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 17, 2023 Off

God With Us

I have been partying since December 22nd when I drove to Alto, TX to be with my daughter and family for several days of Christmas celebrations. From there, I headed back home and party-hardy was the theme at the Wuerch’s in Austin. The day after Christmas, we headed to Cabo del Sol where each day…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 30, 2022 Off