Tag: perfect timing

More Than a Coincidence

A couple of days ago I posted about “remembering”. In the final paragraph of that post, I spoke about Christ’s words at the Last Supper from Luke 22:19: “And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 3, 2018 Off

Walking By Faith

As I’ve taken on this year as a great adventure, how appropriate that I would look up on the wall in my “Frisco” bedroom (aka The Guest Room for others that visit the Wallace’s), and see this stencil drawing just above the closet door, and directly across from the comfy and cozy bed. “We walk…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 12, 2017 Off

Time for Strategic, Tactical Prayers

I once had a “prayer space”– in the early years of our marriage when finances were slim and the challenges we faced seemed insurmountable, but going into my closet (my war room), I was able to not only pray about being able to stand in the midst of the battle, but I received strategies straight…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 11, 2016 Off

Surprise! We’ve Got White Stuff

Day 76 of Photo Inspirations — SURPRISE!   We’ve Got White Stuff! And, thankfully, that white stuff isn’t more snow — it’s our beautiful Tulsa Dogwoods in bloom.    I’ll admit it!   I’m quite excited about this “white stuff” — even as excited as I was for the snowy “white stuff” here just a…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 18, 2015 Off