Tag: praise

The Donkey — Jesus’ Limo

Happy Palm Sunday! Today, we celebrate our Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem where He was welcomed by crowds praising and worshipping Him and laying down palm leaves to honor Him. The palms, the “hosanas”, the worship and praise is typically our focus today. But, I’d like to add some focus to the donkey — he…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 13, 2014 Off

You are FABulous!

Just a little reminder….just in case you don’t like what you see in the mirror — there is really only one opinion that matters…..and if God sees you FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL ….then you are FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL indeed! We ARE beautiful because God says we are — “PERIOD.” When we walk in that kind of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 26, 2014 Off

Sheltered in the Arms of God

Another thing to know about me….in the 70s, my husband, sister-in-law, a dear friend and I were The Master’s 4 Quartet. We traveled the country in a 26′ Winnebago (with our two kids pictured here) — singing/playing Gospel songs in churches, camps, concerts and other venues. Those were great days of many and long road…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 25, 2014 Off

Bitter or Better?

I have an Aunt who has been in a British Columbia hospital for over 15 months now — Crohn’s Disease — and, after all she’s gone through — so many surgeries, in so much pain, and many other complications — she remains joy-filled, thankful, and continues to give God praise to be alive. Her faithful…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 24, 2014 Off

Remain, or Be Raised?

Tested, tried, and proven fact: How we talk and complain, and talk and complain about our present circumstances and challenges……determines how long we’ll get to stay right there, and, if we keep it up, we’ll even get to go around the same mountain again and again and again! Remember the Israelites being stuck wandering in…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 23, 2014 Off