Tag: praising

Pretty is as Pretty Does

A dear saint, my mama, used to say to me when I felt less than pretty or radiant “Pretty is as pretty does!” Honestly, that annoyed me because I could only see a freckled face, brown dish-water colored hair, the skinniest, flat chested teenager in all the world. All my friends seemed to have come…

By Donna Wuerch January 31, 2021 Off

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

It ALL happened in a moment, a most remarkable moment. God became a man! Heaven opened up and placed her most precious ONE in a human womb that brought Him to this side of heaven. Yes, so many reasons for a GINORMOUS birthday celebration today! It’s 4 am on this Christmas morning, and I’m about…

By Donna Wuerch December 25, 2016 Off

You’re the Apple of His Eye

“If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If God had a wallet, your photo would be in it.He sends you flowers in the Spring, and a sunrise each morning.You’re the apple of His eye and the delight of His heart.”-Max Lucado I’d say that makes you and me quite special. To know…

By Donna Wuerch May 14, 2014 Off