Coincidence or PROVIDENTIAL Circumstance
Providential: involving divine intervention; occurring at a favorable time; opportune, heaven-sent, fortunate, timely. Before Mom’s Estate Sale, I sent pictures to my children of “Granny’s Home” unlike any way they could conceive – in complete disarray compared to the pristine way it always looked “on her watch”. When Mom and Dad’s home was destroyed by…
Sleepiness + Delays + Oven Repair + Car Trouble = God’s Providential Circumstances
We just don’t like or want delays, inconveniences, and unplanned circumstances. But, more often than not, God is working “all things” for our good so He asks us to simply trust Him. Weariness obviously set in for me because of my busy, putting-the-pedal-to-the-metal schedule the last couple of weeks. I was driving home from Dallas,…