Tag: Psalm 119:92

Infusion in the Body, Spirit, and Soul

Infusion — To fill or cause to be filled with something. That word has resonated within me several times in the past couple of months when I heard about dear friends who were having to have PICC lines or ports put in because they need frequent intravenous medicines which are so much more comfortable for…

By Donna Wuerch August 23, 2018 Off

Whole Lotta’ Infusion Going On

Whole Lotta’ Infusion Going On Infusion — To fill or cause to be filled with something. That word resonated within me when I heard about a friend’s husband’s recent cancer surgery. Infusion is a word that my Sweetheart and I became all too familiar with during the course of his battle against cancer. He had…

By Donna Wuerch August 22, 2016 Off