Tag: Psalm 149:4

It’s Sheer De-Light!

When I challenge myself to name things that delight me, it’s easy to come up with a list: my children and grandchildren who give me sweet hugs every time I see them. A sweet handwritten note on a little card from my husband. The overwhelming joy of a newborn baby. The loveliness of the fall…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 12, 2024 Off

And God said……”Ta-da!”

It doesn’t take much to be show-offs, act like show-offs and get peaved about some gnarly, ghastly, risque show-offs. They are everywhere in music, movies, social media and beyond. Today, I’ll focus on — not show-offs — but the children of Almighty God. My granddaughter loved wearing princess dresses. Right from the start, she was…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 14, 2024 Off

Dare to be Bold

I’m not talking about “stupid” boldness where we take dangerous risks, but being bold for God, ourselves, and others. Yep! That’s me! I own it! Unlike the shy, timid, and insecure child that I was, hiding behind my mama, over time and with the help of my pushy husband, I came out of my cocoon.…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 9, 2021 Off

And God Said, “Ta-da!”

When my granddaughter was little, she loved wearing princess dresses. Right from the start, she was introduced to princess-dom because her room and crib were all arrayed in princess décor. Even at our home, we had a frilly, girly room with all kinds of reminders of how special she was to us. After all, she…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 31, 2016 Off

Dare to be Bold

Yesterday, my post was about the willingness to get out of our comfort zone. In other words…dare to be BOLD! When my sweetheart passed away, I had to become a take-charge, confident, fearless and BOLD gal. I played the “widow” card for a while and it worked in negotiations for my new home, getting some…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 28, 2016 Off