Tag: psalm 34:5

Pretty is as Pretty Does

A dear saint, my mama, used to say to me when I felt less than pretty or radiant “Pretty is as pretty does!” Honestly, that annoyed me because I could only see a freckled face, brown dish-water colored hair, the skinniest, flat chested teenager in all the world. All my friends seemed to have come…

By Donna Wuerch January 31, 2021 Off

That RADIANCE – That Glow!

That RADIANCE – That Glow! A dear saint, my Mama, used to say to me when I felt less than pretty or RADIANT — “Pretty is as pretty does!” Honestly that annoyed me because I could only see a freckled (often with pimples) face, brown dish-water colored hair, the skinniest, flat chested teenager in ALL…

By Donna Wuerch January 30, 2018 Off