The Whatevers
I still chuckle when I think back to my teenagers’ classic retort: “WHATEVER!” It was usually delivered with a hefty dose of eye-rolling and a sigh that could fill a room. A harmless way of saying, “Your opinion doesn’t quite make my playlist, Mom!” But today, I want to talk about a different kind of…
The Noble Bench
Nestled in the heart of East Texas, beneath expansive skies where fish leap from the lake and hummingbirds dance in the air, lies our treasured Epiphany Ranch, home to our kids, Larry and Staci. This slice of heaven on earth encases the beauty and serenity of God’s creation, making it our sweet spot for heaven…
Clean Hands and a Pure Heart
I remembered when little fingerprints covered the lower half of my sliding glass doors when we were with our little great nieces and nephew a few weeks ago. It was unquestionable that those fingerprints were theirs because of the height of their placement and the size of those little hands. The evidence was real. We…
It’s Clean-Up, Clean-Out, Clean-In Time!
This may be TMI (too much information) on my personal life, but I had a major clean-out (literally, blow-out) two days ago when I went through a colonoscopy prep for the next day’s colonoscopy. I had put it off longer than I should have. It seemed like such a big deal to me, but when…
Happy Birthday to my Sweet Mama
July 12th, 2011 — The Carpenters (one of my favorite 60s duo) sang…”On the day that you were born the angels got together, and decided to create a dream come true. So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue” (Song was “Close to You”). And today,…
Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary
Tuesday of Holy Week — Jesus most certainly set the record straight about God’s house being a place of prayer and holiness. When He saw the money changers and merchants selling their wares, He turned over their tables and cleared them out, exclaiming, “God’s house shall be a place of prayer!” Matthew 21:13 Bringing that…
The Purer the Vessel, the Greater the Flow
“The purer the vessel, the greater the flow” — Staci Wallace Before my girl left for the airport this morning, we had some sweet time talking about how much we desire God’s ultimate “stamp of approval” on our lives, in EVERY area of our lives. We talked about the times when it’s easy, and even…