Pretty is as Pretty Does
A dear saint, my mama, used to say to me when I felt less than pretty or radiant “Pretty is as pretty does!” Honestly, that annoyed me because I could only see a freckled face, brown dish-water colored hair, the skinniest, flat chested teenager in all the world. All my friends seemed to have come…
We Have a Lamp Inside Us — Light it Up With a Smile!
I’ve been on both sides of a smile — giving it and receiving it. I learned from first-hand experience the importance of a smile. I’ve been the “new girl”, already nervous about my first day on-the-job, and a kind and warm, smiling fellow employee meets me with the biggest smile and welcome that cuts right…
That RADIANCE – That Glow!
That RADIANCE – That Glow! A dear saint, my Mama, used to say to me when I felt less than pretty or RADIANT — “Pretty is as pretty does!” Honestly that annoyed me because I could only see a freckled (often with pimples) face, brown dish-water colored hair, the skinniest, flat chested teenager in ALL…
And the LIGHT Keeps Shining Brightly
Day 4 of 365 days of my photo inspirations for 2015: Tonight I was taken with the lights on many homes that are still brightly lit and shining in my children’s Texas neighborhood. While many Christmas lights have been put away for another year, I, and many others will conclude our Christmas season on January…