Tag: reassurance


Have you ever felt less than, belittled, ridiculed, and forced into withdrawal because you were overshadowed by a sibling, friend, or co-worker? If that is you, then I have good news for you. Come out. Come out – wherever you are. You were not made for withdrawal. Today I am going to flip the negative…

By Donna Wuerch December 11, 2023 Off

God May Be Allowing the Rains to Come

Two weeks ago, I drove 4-1/2 hours to Texas in torrential rain. When I finally arrived at my destination, I found myself incredibly dizzy and my equilibrium was completely off. Clearly, I could have been mistaken by others, as having had “too much to drink”. We determined that my focus to stay on the road…

By Donna Wuerch August 2, 2014 Off