Like a Mighty Rushing Wind
It is Pentecost Sunday! If ever there were reasons to celebrate, it is this day! Acts 2:1-2 says “And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were…
Life is Often Like a Wild Water Ride
Aw! Water! Refreshing, cool, thirst-quenching water. I’ve been packing a lot of water over the last week or so. The warmer weather and being outdoors requires it. But, today, I’m talking about the beautiful water features that I’ve been enjoying. My Austin family and I spent the last week at the Gulf of Texas’ Port…
When Life Offers You Lemons – Make Lemonade
We’ve been making lemonade by the gallons during this season, haven’t we? But, on the other hand, I’m sure we all have found some real positives. I’m thinking about those who put that quote to action by creating something needed and now have thriving businesses. For example, face masks — the law of supply and…
Are we Known by our Appealing or Appalling Fruit?
How easy it is to judge the likes of folks whose poor attitude, angry spirit and crankiness seems to bring a dark cloud with them when they step into the room. We randomly judge someone when they’ve made a bad decision that you warned them not to make or maybe we judge an outfit someone…
The Sound of a Rushing Mighty Wind
As I made my way home from church, the skies began to darken and the wind started blowing hard. I was thankful to get inside before the torrential rain began. I thought that my trees might break because they were bent over so far. I started saying “Peace. Be still. In the name of Jesus”,…
This is NESTING — Preparing, Waiting, Anticipating
This is NESTING — Preparing, Waiting, Anticipating On Saturday, I went outside to water some plants and I was startled by the fluttering away of a mama dove that had laid two eggs in my fireplace vent outside. I quietly left that area because I wanted her to return to her nest. Then yesterday morning,…