Tested -Tried – Proven – Rewarded
Back in 2012, my son and his team created and launched a technology company. I was one of the founding members and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to be a part of something so innovative. Before the technology was brought to life, there were months of testing the product. Then when we had the product in…
Complain and Remain; Praise and Be Raised
Complain and Remain; Praise and Be Raised COMPLAIN: to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something; grumble, criticize, moan, find fault PRAISE: compliment, commend, express admiration for, applaud, speak highly of, admire, gratitude Maybe you live with or know someone who seems to be an incessant COMPLAINER – they seem to always find something to complain…
Remain, or Be Raised?
Tested, tried, and proven fact: How we talk and complain, and talk and complain about our present circumstances and challenges……determines how long we’ll get to stay right there, and, if we keep it up, we’ll even get to go around the same mountain again and again and again! Remember the Israelites being stuck wandering in…