How Big and How Little is God
Oh, the awesomeness of our Father God Who is all about splendor and majesty. He has a big booming voice and when we tune in to His frequency, we’ll easily recognize it as He points us in the ways we should go. He confounds us with audacious miracles that no man could contrive. Beyond compare…
??A Tribute to my Beloved Sister??
Because she’s alive and well and it’s her birthday! Tributes to those we love generally come after they have passed on. I can’t wait to give that tribute because, quite frankly, I may get my heavenly-orders before she gets hers. One advantage of marrying young has been that I have had many years, not only…
Try to be a Rainbow in Somebody’s Cloud
I never followed Maya Angelou’s life or writings much, but hearing of her passing from this life, I was drawn to know more about what made her so endearing. In stature, she was six feet tall, but the imprint she left because of her remarkable life is beyond measure. She was raped by her mother’s…