Tag: Romans 5:8

Why Am I So Attractive?

Catchy title, right? Especially when one looks in the mirror and their hair is having a good day, the make-up blended just right and, that blue top certainly brings out the blue in your eyes. But, that’s not the “attractive” I’m talking about. Attractive to mosquitoes or chiggers. Not sure which one — neither is…

By Donna Wuerch September 14, 2019 Off

We Can No Longer Just Watch and Wait

This isn’t typical of my usual daily posts in a story-line format because I sense a greater call today. I don’t “grandstand” too often. I fly under the radar when it comes to most political and public controversies. But my heart just won’t let me be silent when it comes to the abortion atrocities and…

By Donna Wuerch February 17, 2019 Off

Tenderize My Heart, Lord

While writing in my journal, I wrote: “Lord, tenderize my heart for others.” Tenderize? Where did that come from? Suddenly, I went “nostalgic” and saw my mom holding a meat tenderizer hammer beating the tar out of a piece of meat. She was beating it to make the meat more tender. And, of course, that…

By Donna Wuerch January 17, 2019 Off

Who is Trevor Lawrence, Anyway?

My son texted me on Tuesday: “Good morning! I love you! Wow, did Alabama get stomped!” My reply, without looking at the score of the Clemson/Alabama championship game, was “They sure did. I’m sure they were humbled.” Actually, I didn’t see the game. Once Oklahoma was out, so was I. But, subsequently I did check…

By Donna Wuerch January 10, 2019 Off