Tag: satisfied

Are You Contented?

I’d like you to believe that “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am in, to be content.” (Philippians 4:11) That means we are satisfied with the life or situation we are in. But those are Paul the Apostle’s words – not mine. I’ll admit I can find myself less than contented. Today my sweetheart…

By Donna Wuerch October 15, 2023 Off

Feeling Satisfied

The word, satisfy, conjures up all kinds of images in my mind. The most recent was on Mother’s Day. Satisfy means to fulfill, gratify, or meet someone’s expectations, or needs. I could check the box in front of each one of those words because I was over-the-top satisfied. A mom with her family around her;…

By Donna Wuerch May 10, 2022 Off

My Word for 2019

I’ve heard several people speak about the word they’ve chosen in making faith declarations for this new year Following suit, I selected my word and I really do intend to embrace it this year. My word is “content”. I watch my children’s pets and all those critters seem to be so content. Just feed them,…

By Donna Wuerch January 7, 2019 Off

Satisfy Me, Oh Lord

Satisfy Me, Oh Lord Satisfy: meet the expectations, needs or desires of someone; gratify, fulfill I’ve returned home to Frisco, after a packed-full week in Tulsa, and before that, many trips there and back to get Mom’s estate sale all ready to go and completed. Our customer, Mom, was completely SATISFIED with the sale that…

By Donna Wuerch April 11, 2018 Off

In Only You May My Soul Be SATISFIED

Satisfaction: fulfillment, gratification, contentment, comfort Remember that old Rolling Stones song: “I can’t get no satisfaction”? What is it that causes us to be completely satisfied? A great meal, a good night’s sleep, a day’s good wages for a day’s good work, receiving a pat on the back for a job well done, having a…

By Donna Wuerch March 6, 2018 Off

Worry Less; Smile More Often

Worry Less; Smile More Often I’ve posted this photo before, but it is such a powerful reminder of the childlike faith and trust that we all need so much. I just had to share it again for you AND me. Don’t you just love watching a baby sleeping? His/Her adorable little smiles that just indicate…

By Donna Wuerch January 29, 2016 Off