Nesting for the King
Oh, how vividly I remember “nesting” like those mama birds, tirelessly fluffing and preparing for their baby birds to hatch! It’s in our mama DNA, isn’t it? We wash, fold, organize, and somehow manage to cram the equivalent of a department store into one tiny nursery. Those moments of preparation were filled with anticipation, excitement,…
May the 4th Be With You
Happy 4th Sunday of Advent and Happy Christmas Eve! We can join many others who will attend church today to breathe in what all this decorating, baking, shopping, partying, and having family and friend get togethers has been all about. It is unusual for Christmas Eve to fall on a Sunday. We are making the…
The Name Above All Names
I went back to bed after I posted my blog for the day. I wanted to grab just a few more winks before I started my day. I was restless though. In my head-voice, I started saying “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” Then I started thinking about what that name means. I didn’t have…
Holy Maundy Thursday
Remember when, on Thursdays, we often tagged our photos on social media #TBT (Throwback Thursday) – meaning a blast from the past. This is my little family in 1980 at our church in Shawnee, OK, It was a big deal — big enough to dress up for the big Easter celebration. Had to get those…
A Baby Changes Everything
One of my favorite Christmas songs is Faith Hill’s, “A Baby Changes Everything”. It is so true – especially when that growing little baby inside the Mama’s womb is getting new body parts and new features week by week while the Mama’s body is changing on the outside and inside. God’s glorious birthing plan! Don’t…
Tougher Than Nails – Holy Saturday
Yesterday, as always on Good Friday with my husband, I watched “The Passion of the Christ” movie again. Not for entertainment, but for reminding me of the unspeakable price Christ paid for me. I think Mel Gibson got it right because Isaiah 52:14 says “His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any human being…
Holy Saturday — the Cross Makes the Difference
Today is the in-between day of our Savior’s agony on the cross — one of the cruelest methods of execution ever practiced, slowly dying in despicable humiliation, His dead body placed in a tomb – sealed and done! But, then comes tomorrow — the day when all HELL had to break loose of what it…
A Child is Born and Child-Like Faith
A Child is Born and Child Like Faith One of my fondest memories, as a child, was memorizing a Christmas poem for my church’s Children’s Christmas Program. It may have been the simplest of words “Christmas is a time of joy. It started with a baby boy. He came to save us from our sins.…