Passing the Baton of Faith
My husband and I walked into our kitchen and curled up in the middle of the floor was a huge black snake. As any brave and fearless warrior would do, my husband grabbed our son’s near-by baseball bat and proceeded to send it to the “great beyond”. I’ll spare giving you the visual of my…
What Frightened or Hurt You in Your Past That Paralyzes You Today?
My post today is taken from my daughter’s post yesterday. It brought back so many memories of the night at 10:30 pm when I received the phone call to pray for Payton, my 10-year old grandson. Larry and Staci were downstairs and heard a blood curdling scream coming from Payton. Realizing this was not an…
What is Your Ultimate Protection Guarantee?
While Staci called Poison Control, Larry called me to pray for Payton (10 years old at the time) who had been stung by a scorpion four times and each of the places was turning red and swelling up. Immediately, I remembered our son, Ryan, was stung by a scorpion on his foot. I gave Larry…