High Tech Versus High Discernment
I heard about a GPS app where parents can know where their kids (who have a cell phone) are at – at any given time. But, beware, parents! I also heard about an app that is called GPS Spoofing where the kid, or anyone, can make it look like they’re somewhere, but in reality, they’re…
The Security of a Teddy Bear
On February 15, 1903, Toy store owner and inventor Morris Michtom placed two stuffed bears in his shop window, and advertised them as Teddy bears. Michtom had earlier petitioned President Theodore Roosevelt for permission to use his nickname, Teddy. The president agreed and, before long, Teddy bears were being made by toy manufacturers everywhere. I…
My First Line of Defense
Part of my training at Children’s Hospital included knowing the “first line of defense” in case of fire or other emergencies. Knowing where the fire pulls and extinguishers are, as well as knowing the color codes and alerts in case of security issues. In my personal life, I’ve also come to learn my absolute first…