Oh, the Beautiful Things We Miss
Often I blog about making moments count. There’s a Latin phrase for it: Carpe Momentum which means “Seize the Moment”. I’m thrilled to be alive HERE on planet earth today in this generation. Even though I live in a 60+ community, I meander away from those who think “old”. I love hanging with those who…
Living with No Regrets
There are five things that we cannot recover in life:The Stone…………after it’s thrown,The Word………….after it’s said,The Occasion…..after it’s missed, The Time…………..after it’s gone.A person…………..after they die. I realize this after I’ve missed a chance to call a friend and didn’t. When I failed to remember another friend’s birthday. When I forgot to pray a little…
The Path of Wisdom
Day before yesterday, my blog centered around “seizing the moments”. Today I’m centering on “seizing the DAY” — Carpe Diem. Seizing the day has everything to do with walking, talking, and living in wisdom aka being a wise believer. You, young ones out there, may not remember Art Linkletter who had a show called “Kids…
Seize the Moment
Last month, it was my daughter’s birthday morning and her breakfast request? Burger King’s egg and cheese croissant and hash browns! Easy peasy! My pleasure! Larry and the kids had the decorations up. I had the breakfast. Alexa played “You are so beautiful” when she came in the room. It was celebration time of a…
Seizing the Moments
I responded to an “SOS” call from my son on Tuesday about their youngest, 11-year old Bryson, who was very sick and because they were going out of town the next day, they needed Nana. There are very few things, if any at all, that would keep me from putting anything else more important than…