Being a Self-Leader
You’d think after all these years I’ve had on Planet Earth; I would have more leadership sense. But, oops, I did it again – I still need more instructions. Once again, I need a refresher course on being a good leader FOR MYSELF! We may think we are a good leader for others, but, numero…
Being a Self Leader
Remember the Golden Rule? “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12) We ARE our greatest cheerleader or at least we should be. Self-leadership causes us to first strive for being a good leader to ourselves. It means introspection and awareness of how we think and how we react. It…
Being a Self Leader Before Becoming a Leader of Others
Yesterday morning, in our devotions, the subject of self leadership came up. Self leadership is a discipline that causes us to first strive for being a good leader to ourselves, even before considering being a leader to someone else. Self leadership is introspection and awareness of how and what we think and how we react.…