Tag: shhh

Shhh! Please Don’t Say That!

I came out of the fitness center yesterday and saw a couple loading up their air mattresses and other swimming gear. They had been enjoying a Sunday afternoon of swimming and playing water volleyball. I commented: “Looks like you had fun in the sun” and the woman replied “Yes! It was such a beautiful day!”…

By Donna Wuerch September 2, 2019 Off

Shhh. It’s Okay. Mommy’s Here.

“As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you… “Isaiah 66:13 Isn’t it so heart-warming to witness a young child being comforted by his mother? More than any pain that needed to be taken away, he needed his Mama’s TLC. There’s a great lesson to be learned from the way of a mother…

By Donna Wuerch June 22, 2016 Off