Tag: smell the roses

It’s a Dog-Eat-Dog World Out There

Who would have thought that some of my best “pals” these days are dogs. It comes with my territory and my family. There’s my grand-dogs: Buddy, the 75-pound Australian Shepherd and Emma, the 4-pound Yorkie, who, I happen to be their caregiver right now while their family is out of town. I get a kick…

By Donna Wuerch July 30, 2019 Off

Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound. After a beautiful Sunday brunch with the bride and groom, and the rest of the out-of-towners, we gave all our hugs and best wishes and we were then headed out in the Motorcoach again for our return trip to Frisco. I just had to post this sweet photo of Braden carrying Ruth across…

By Donna Wuerch October 3, 2016 Off

Joy of Life Bandwagon

I’m still on the joy-of-life bandwagon to help others (those who get all caught up in the seriousness and practical demands of life) get back the joy of life.They get focused on making a living and they succumb to everyday routine. They forget the child within them and they lose a lot of the flavor…

By Donna Wuerch June 27, 2014 Off