Tag: social media

Our Job is to Make Jesus Famous

We live in an “out loud” generation, don’t we? For those of us who thrive on social media, silence isn’t exactly our strong suit! Now that Christmas has wrapped up, I still find myself lingering in the awe of the most extraordinary birth EVER. Mary? She was the quiet type. She didn’t post about baby…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 30, 2024 Off

Saving the Ones We Love the Most

We all have inbred instincts to save the ones we love the most. We are passionate about making sure our children don’t touch a hot stove, and they look both ways before crossing a street. But what kind of true grit do we possess for our children and grandchildren that will save them from the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 15, 2024 Off

The Cross is the Difference-Maker

It’s no secret that I keep my eyes and ears wide open for God-ideas that give me content for my daily blogs. And, that content comes from various places — a scripture reading, while praying, while scrolling through my social media platforms, while being out and about in a foreign country or in my community,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 3, 2024 Off

Would We Be So Bold?

Would We Be So Bold?I saw this brave young man’s story and had to pay it forward. Five days after he graduated from Campbell County High School in Kentucky, Micah Price finally received his diploma. It had been withheld because he went off script in his commencement speech last Friday. He encouraged his classmates to…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 4, 2024 Off

Stop — In the Name of Love

Remember that old Supremes’ song? “Stop, in the name of love, before I break your heart. Think it over!” It’s not a hymn, but today it feels like a message from God. Since my husband of 44 years passed away in 2010, I’ve written 3,775 blogs. Blogging became my mission, a gift from God to…

By Donna Wuerch Noble May 29, 2024 Off

Intimacy — Behind the Scenes

For years, social media has been the space where I deposit my musings aka blogs. I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing the Lord’s faithfulness through every season – especially the season that got this blog party started. It was a season that could have left me feeling alone, forgotten, disappointed, heart-broken and in despair. Instead, it…

By Donna Wuerch Noble April 1, 2023 Off

Shut the Front Door

That’s what my Mom said when I left the front door open! Her exact words were: “Shut the front door, Barnio!” I don’t know, to this day, who Barnio was, but I do know she meant business. Not only did it mean to really shut the front door, the main entrance of the house, but…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 1, 2022 Off