Overshadow Me, Lord!
It’s almost incomprehensible, isn’t it? A virgin conceived a child –not just any child, but the very Son of God. The Holy Spirit, the same creative force that whispered galaxies into existence, overshadowed Mary. And in that sacred moment, the Creator of the universe knit Himself together in her womb. God became man, and His…
Let’s Talk About It Some More
I mean. Let’s talk about what the resurrection of our Lord really means to us. I can’t let it go. The resurrection of our Lord changes everything. He proved NOTHING is impossible with God. He proved that what He said would be. Jesus said to Martha after her brother, Lazarus died and was buried: “I…
He is Alive and So are We
I typed this blog. I must be alive. If you are reading this blog, then you are alive, too! Good news! We made it another day! And, this morning, God woke me up and started me on my way! You ask me how I know that Jesus lives today. Here’s how I know. He lives…
Good Friday — His Words Were Few
That sounds almost impossible in an age when it’s all talk, talk, talk, giving opinions, and complaining about this and that. Passionate defenders of their opinions shout: “Speak up if you want your voice heard!” The prophet Isaiah gave us inside information about what this day would look like 700 years before Jesus’ birth. “He…
Temple Tuesday was Just That
Yesterday, on Holy Monday of Holy Week, I blogged about Jesus and His righteous anger when He saw the money changers selling their wares and cheating people at the temple. Cheating is wrong but especially at this holy place set apart for the presence of God. I love that from that scene, Jesus went into…
May the Fourth Be with You
That’s my play on words from Star Wars as I invite you to join me in celebrating this 4th Sunday of Advent. Now, we’re on the fast track to Christmas. It’s very different for us this year. My daughter and family made big adjustments when they bought 60 acres of property in Rusk, TX, sold…
An Epiphany of WHO He is and WHAT We Do About It
You know that aha moment – when you suddenly understand the reality of something or the meaning of something. I’ve had many “epiphany” moments when I could see something clearly when I understood “that” or when I was reading a Bible passage I had read many times before, but this time, I really understood it.…
Good Friday – He Spoke Not a Word
That sounds almost impossible in an age when it’s all talk, talk, talk and give opinions, express angst and discontentment, and complain about this and that. Passionate defenders of their opinions shout: “Speak up if you want your voice heard!” The prophet Isaiah gave us inside information about what this day would look like 700…
Merry Christmas! God Showed Up!
“He was here! He was here!” Kids all over the world are waking up their families with shrills and abounding excitement! The “jolly old soul” made it to their homes last night. They are sure he was here because the cookie plate only has crumbs on it. Most importantly, stockings that were hung by the…