Tag: stamp of approval

The Purer the Vessel, the Greater the Flow

Think about those who must have Coronary Artery Bypass surgery because one or more blocked coronary arteries are preventing normal blood flow. Then on a less physical note, consider a kitchen sink pipe that becomes clogged because of an abundance of grease or other substances. But, most important are our vessels (our spirits) that become…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 16, 2016 Off

Marked & Branded in Baptism

Day 40 of Photo Inspirations — Baptism Weekend Over 150 people were baptized at the LifeChurch.tv Jenks Campus​ this weekend. There are few things as significant and inspiring as witnessing precious people expressing their faith in Christ by being baptized.   They’ve  put the past behind them and they openly confessed they’re brand new, clean,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 9, 2015 Off